
A Little Repetition

A boat made out of popsicle sticks.
I can be very lax in our homeschooling.  Saying this I also know that after homeschooling for a year and half, Miss G needs this structure.  So we have over this small time formed a rule.  If you skip a day, you get a day.  This means that when Miss G has so much energy that concentration is thrown out of the window and all she has decided to do is play, I'm okay with that (relatively).  She knows that her Saturday is now spent doing school.  This happened Saturday only this time her Daddy was home.
God bless husbands everywhere!  He decided that he wanted to teach her for the day.  He took off work for a day and off they went. Outside with rope to see how long a blue whale really is and how many cars will it take to be the same length, writing, reading (with many silly voices), coloring, pasting, and just plain good fun.  While her day might not have been any different from any other school day educationally, mine was.  I was able to sit back and watch (after finally being able to play "catch up" on chores) and Miss G was able to spend the day with her Daddy having a blast.  Thank you Honey!


School Has Sprung!!

So the answer is a definite no. If you have been keeping up with the blog you will understand what I am speaking about. If not, read below! God has everything in His timing and not ours!

Anyways, the school year has sprung and once you think you have everything figured out, what curriculum is best for your child, everything is scheduled, etc, OPTIONS in big huge blinking lights pops up within your life. For example, tennis lessons for our homeschool group is being offered. Since we, her very responsible parents, forgot when the deadline to soccer was we have been considering this as an alternative. Did I mention that it included a P.E. class with other children? Yes this looks like a great option! And then there is also ballet. Miss G loves her ballet. So this is happening. Then there isG.A.s (Girls in Action = Girls Scouts without the cookies and with God) and AWANA. Does anything else need added? I hope not! And I know that technically she doesn't have to participate in any of this however, she loves doing them and Miss G happens to be a social butterfly with tons of energy. I wish I could bottle it all up for later when I need it!


Still counting...

It said no.  I was upset.  Okay....I was sent into a vicious spiraling abyss of no return...for the weekend at least.  Then I was reminded by my very supportive husband of the 1 and only test that was positive 4 months too late.   I still have many symptoms and even though it may sound pathetic, I'm holding out for the best.  If God's has something else in mind, then I'll use it as a wake-up call in order to get my health on track.  Otherwise, the clock is ticking, the calendar days go by, and my husband struts now.  Who knew?!


Maybe yes?

16 days and counting although the numbers add up to 6 weeks on the calculators.  Nauseous. Exhausted.  All of this among other things.  For anyone who does not know, I am probably pregnant.  Yes, I could take an at home pregnancy test but then again, last time I had a child, the darn thing read I wasn't pregnant at all.  She is 7 now by the way (the child I wasn't pregnant with)!
So I am waiting a little longer but it doesn't get more obvious than what is going on around my house.  Morning sickness, dizziness, "powdering my nose" every darn chance I get...hmmmmmmmm?
I'll keep you update on this of course my dear friends!

I am SO excited! P.S.  Mr. Hubby is walking around like a rooster.  So proud.


Random Facts of Me-ness

I love carnivals but refuse to ride the rides.  I can't play helicopter even much less spin in circles on a ride 100 times over.

My eyes have changed color enough over the years they are now polka-dotted.  Maybe that is why I have fabulous vision though and my glasses are just for show.

I share my middle name with 3 of my cousins.  We were all named after our Grandma who delights in sharing.

I have a shoe, purse, and carpet rug fetish.  One can never have too much of any...except for rugs which I keep having to find new places for or people to give to.

I have always been fashionably challenged.  I try to be fashionable but my pocketbook is challenged.

There are no claims to fame for me other than a brief 3 second blip on 'Good Morning America' as a child...with about 40 other children.  My mom was so proud.

I am willing to try anything once....sky diving, bungee jumping, swimming with sharks, after that though, you might not be able to pull me out of my house.  My fear of falling or being eaten alive is tremendous.  I cannot attest to what I might do if asked again!

*This message is brought to you by me, myself, and my own bizarre need to share.


!Yard Sale!


Come see our furniture, TV, LAPTOP (perfect for school!), electronics, movies, books for all ages, clothes for all ages, toys, stuffed animals, kitchen appliances, china-ware, TONS!

3rd house in on right on Terry Cove Dr. 8-4 on Fri and Sat!

Great Finds! Great Prices!
Have Fun and a Soda to cool ya off in the heat too!

We have many items for sale this weekend as we are clearing house.  Point blank...too much of everything.  After all, one really does not need an entire closet dedicated to blankets only right?  Another one dedicated to books?  No.  So we are doing some Fall cleaning and I hope many people can find things that they can use or know someone who can!
This weekend - Friday and Saturday- my family will be outside with a smile on their face offering you a soda and helping you in any way needed!

*my website, my advertisement. thanks for your thoughts!