Books and My Love/Hate Relationship

This book will blow you away.  Simply put, it is more than thought provoking.  It is a non-condemning, masterful work that will cause a person to look deep within their very hearts only to find that the desire to help others is possible.  
This book could be used as a devotional or be read straight through.  The scripture references and stories that Max Lucado uses allows you to see the Bible in a new light and not only want to take a leap of faith but to step out of your comfort zone as well and help those who cannot help themselves without God's ever-present love.  If you are looking for an eye-opening experience or even just a good read this is it.

*To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I must post that Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review. I also must say that the opinions are all mine.

When I received the International Childrens's Bible (ICB) I was somewhat leary of reviewing it.  Being very cautious of how the Bible verses and their meanings are translated, I appreciated the fact that this version was not "dumbed down" but spoken in a language that, to a child, would be understood and accepted easily.  The way the scriptures and stories are worded makes the Bible and what God says "come alive" for children and is as if they had their Teacher right there in front of them. 

The graphics are extremely well done although the style of art would appeal only to those who watch tv and play video games often.  If a child is not around such electronics, the faces of the characters in the Bible would seem strange.  

I applaud those who took the time to make certain that there is a Bible out there that speaks the language of a child.  It would appear as if they really made an effort to reach out to those ages 6-9 and perhaps this is what is needed!

*In accordance with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission,I am required to mention that Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc. has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of writing a review.  Sending me a free copy in no way is compensation for, or a guarantee of, a positive review.

 Straightforward and to the point, Nancy Guthrie gets to the heart of the matter in the book Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament.  This devotional guide is just that.  It is a guide strictly to remind people of the history before history - that of which began the Old Testament.  
She tries to remind us daily by using each of the books of the Old Testament that Jesus is very real and referrenced within each book. Some of her references are very pointed and very obvious that Jesus is the only person that the speaker is talking about. 

"When the Messiah will come in power rather than in weakness and will rule with a powerful arm." (Isaiah 40:10)

However most the daily devotions, are stretches and mainly consists of words from the New Testament.  She has had to make a leap in order to include Jesus within the scripture she has chosen, such as in Genesis 45.

"I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt.  But don't be upset, and don't be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place.  It was God who sent me ahead of you to preserve your lives...God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors.  So it was God who sent me here, not you!" 
(Gen. 45: 4-5, 7-8)

As in many of her daily references, Mrs. Guthrie cannot find Jesus in this passage so she compares the story to Jesus instead.  

"Like Joseph, [Jesus] offered forgiveness to those who put him in such a place of pain."

One would be accurate to make the assumption that the title of this book has us believing that we will discover Jesus and where He is mentioned in the literal sense.  However, Mrs. Guthrie is more inclined to write about stories in the Old Testament that can be compared to that of the New and how actions of those in the Old can also be seen in Jesus.  
She does not encourage the reader to act as Jesus or to do anything really.  In fact, the book is wrote as if it were not written for the reader.  It is a historical reminder of another time and nothing more.

*To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I must mention that as part of every Web or Amazon review that Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.

*A little tidbit on the author here.

God's grace is a topic that many people speak about but do not fully understand.  Andy Stanley takes it and writes in such a way that they reader cannot help but comprehend God's wonderful grace at a much deeper level. 

Going through the Bible, Stanley gives reader's examples as to the how and why God used grace in that person's life and how it also applies to our own.  When he has a point to make, one that he tells the reader to remember, he bolds the text.

This is a book that is a slow read but only because you find yourself pausing for reflection.  Well written, Stanley did a great job of illustrating that even though we don't necessarily deserve God's grace, He gives it freely out of love.

I give this book 5 stars all around.

*To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I must post that Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review. I also must say that the opinions are all mine.

I loved this book.  It is one of reflection and encouragement.  Starting with 'Day 1'  instead of a date, a person is able to start reading this book at anytime throughout the course of a year or one could just look up the chapter by what they might feel would be best suited for their need at the time.  By separating the chapters into sections such as Love and Hate, Hope and Fear, Faith and Doubt, Nettlehorst shows that he is conscientious of his readers needs beyond daily readings.
With scripture written at the top, Nettlehorse goes day by day explain the scripture as one would study the Bible, at the end on every page he references briefly how this can be applied to our lives.  The scripture that he uses is from various versions so this might be a problem for some readers however, I found it much easier to understand, which was the reason he did it in the first place. 
Overall, this is a good devotional, but does need to acknowledge the reader more at the end of each study.  

Lies the Government Told You is an excellent read and a very well researched book. Judge Napolitano thoroughly looks at past a present laws that the government has passed, what they claimed they passed it for, and what the truth was. An in-depth look at politics and the tricks that have been pulled, this is an excellent read for anyone searching for the truth behind vaguely worded law and what dangers those laws have.

Judge Napolitano tells us of how the lies the government has told us has shaped out past in ways we would never have suspected. He thoroughly points out the whys of how these laws get passed and why the lies are told. Without trying to reason away the lies, he makes it clear what happened, who did it, and why on earth they would lie to us that way.

Very point blank, Dan Allendar writes from the viewpoint that the Sabbath is not just merely a day to go to church with like-minded people, but a day to revel in God's splendor.  His allegorical style of writing can seem a bit choppy at times but he gets the point across.  Slowly, we are guided as to how we can change our prosaic lifestyles.

A study guide is provided in the back so one can pause and reflect upon the words expressed within the book.  The ideas are so different and non-conforming as to what most churched people are used to hearing that time for reflection is needed and encouraged. 

Written Biblically, this book is given 5 stars.

*I received this book from Booksneeze in exchange for and honest review.

 The Sacred Journey is not a quick read.  Saying this, this book is also not a bad one.   One must stop to think about everything that is being said because as one reads it, the ideas being given are very revolutionary to a person who has never gone on a pilgramage. 
Keeping inline with a biblical point of view, Charles Foster makes his point over and over again that life is not worth living unless we are completely one hundred percent living and following Jesus Christ.  It isn't enough to walk the same footsteps Jesus walked.  One must allow themselves to give over to Him no matter how hard it will be.
Several examples and stories are written throughout the book to illustrate this point.  In fact the book is almost written as a series of examples.  Hence, why the book is a slow read.
Thought provoking and insightful this book is very deserving of 3 stars.

*To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, I must post that Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review. I also must say that the opinions are all mine.

Time with God is a wonderful devotional for father's everywhere.  There are 90 devotionals that address issues that father's can relate to and they are charmingly titled as well.  Each devotion has it's verse at the top with a quick devotion underneath and a place in the back for notes.  The devotions are not dated so there is no pressure to make it a daily devotional.  Rather it is to be used as a guide or for circumstantial reference.

This is a small and beautiful book but very well written.  The daily encouragement that it delivers is powerful and easy to understand as well.  Time with God for Father's is a perfect gift for Father's Day, Christmas and of course birthdays as well.  5 stars.

*I received this book from Booksneeze in exchange for and honest review.